Dan Richmond and Lee Lefkowitz obtained the unanimous denial of an appeal by the Village of Monroe Planning Board to the Village of Monroe Zoning Board of Appeals, which sought to challenge certain aspects of the implementation of a 34-unit multifamily project. The appeal, which was in unusual fashion brought by another of the Village’s municipal bodies (the Planning Board), claimed that certain aspects of its site plan approval were not complied with and that the Building Inspector failed to ensure the builder adhered to the Planning Board’s resolution approving the project. In its successful defense of the project, Z&S argued that the plans were properly complied with. The Monroe ZBA agreed with Z&S’s argument that the applicant and building inspector used appropriate discretion in carrying out the approved plans, and uniformly rejected the Planning Board’s appeal in its entirety.
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Zarin & Steinmetz formulates creative and pragmatic solutions to resolve matters and achieve results. We treat each matter with passion and urgency, always striving to remain at least one step ahead. We take the time to get to know our clients and their objectives, so that we can provide legal guidance and insightful advocacy with the hands-on personal service expected of a boutique firm.